Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sometimes there's things more important than pit beef

May Cine-dips had modern photography, pubic hair, and art show food, just as any good evening of movie-viewing does.

May 09 Pecker

Manna, your hand-rolled sushi was impressive and delicious.
May 09 Art Show Spread

And Ficoco is one of my new favorite dips.
May 09 Fig Dip

Here's Fawkes before I provoked her too much.
May09 Fawkes

Overall, I would say that the evening was hypnotique.
May09 Hypnotique

We love watching movies with the projector.
May 09 Pecker and Matt

Thanks for having us over Manna, Matt, Fawkes, and Kitty.
May 09 After Movie